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Meet Mary from InnaClariti


Full Accredited and Trained Usui and Seichim Reiki Master and Practitioner

doTerra Consultant

Student of a Course in Miracles


Throughout my life I have enjoyed and gained deep satisfaction from helping people. My intuition was constantly telling me that  I would have a divine purpose to help and heal others utilising and sharing my spiritiual gifts of care, compassion, and sincerity.


I lost touch with my spiritual side during my teenage years through to my early 20's. During that time I began to suffer from anxiety, depression, skin disorders and emotional and confidence issues. 


After experiencing frustration with the conventional medical practices I was exposed to, I felt there had to be a healthier and better way of healing but I didn't know where I would find it..... But this was all to change when I was introduced to the wonderful, deeply peaceful and expansive world of Reiki......


After receiving several Reiki treatments, I deeply sensed that Reiki was shifting my internal perspective, emotions and physical health in powerful and positive ways I couldn't yet explain. 


I went on to receive Reiki 1, 2 and Master level attunements over the next five years. Each time I was attuned, I tapped into higher frequencies of Divine energy and deeply opened up my spiritual abilities of Claircognizance, Clairsentience and Clairvoyance. Through daily discipline and commitment to my spiritual practice, I have been able to tap in to my divine gifts faster and more effectively.


Reiki can provide you with the opportunity to connect deeply with your soul and inner voice. Through each session with me I remove the layers of  built up resistance and obstructions you have acquired over your lifetime. Deep healing begins, negative and outworn patterns are released and you come back to your Divine nature as a soul of peace, love and clarity.



My Reiki journey: Inner_about

PH: 0413 250 105

Jerrabomberra NSW Australia 2619


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